Leading With Optimism
Regarding Skepticism Top
Skepticism of ideas is helpful. Especially of those that might challenge accepted norms or the status quo. I think we can and should make existing power structures a little bit nervous by demonstrating that type of skepticism. It's a good and necessary aspect of product design. To approach an idea skeptically is to think critically about that idea, and critical thinking leads to improvement. Skepticism of ideas is empowering.
Skepticism that extends beyond ideas, to people or groups of people, is toxic. That type of skepticism necessarily prevents meaningful collaboration. For collaboration to happen, we have to meet each other with mutual trust and respect. Skepticism of an entire person demonstrates a lack of both. Skepticism of people is exclusionary.
To be skeptical of a person's idea is momentary. To be skeptical of a person is permanent.
The Case For Optimism Top
For meaningful relationships of any type to succeed requires optimism. Leading with optimism signals strength of character. Optimism builds others up. It shows trust and respect and establishes bonds. While skepticism seeks to improve, optimism seeks to unite.
We do our best work by extending the good work of the other people around us. As designers, everyone we encounter is there for a reason. Everyone was vetted, everyone was hired, and that deserves our respect. When we work with people that we genuinely respect, we find better solutions to bigger problems. There is nothing preventing us from respecting everyone we work with.
Truthfully, I have struggled to connect with people that I've worked with before. In doing so, over time, I've tried to find opportunities to approach them more optimistically. Everyone has good ideas. Everyone has their own set of goals and experiences; their own things that they're going through. The fastest path to optimism that I've found is to be aware and empathetic of that. Humility is a powerful way of both demonstrating and earning optimism.
Optimism and thoughtfulness are not mutually exclusive. On the contrary, leading with optimism is a great way to exercise thoughtfulness. There are times when the optimistic approach doesn't work out. Those moments are fleeting. Ultimately, leading with optimism builds stronger and longer lasting relationships.